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Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods

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Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods Empty Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods

Post  silo44 Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:58 am

Well, I know Psiiche already touched on this, but I wanted to revisit it. I think full Mods should be able to rank people up. I can see the owners point with abusing, but someone like Madi, who has been Mod for forever, is very trustworthy. I wouldn't even be talking about this if the owners were on more, but life gets in the way sometimes, which gives even more incentive to give more power to people who are on more. And isn't the whole purpose of being Trial Mod to figuratively "dip the toe in"; to see if they have what it takes to be mod? Setting up the Trial Mod System is, in its own, a built-in defense for people who exploit things. If the person isn't cut out for the job, you just fire them. But if you promote someone to full Mod, you are in turn saying, "Hey, you got the job!" So give them some responsibility! They have gone through a interview in a way, and you hired them, so let them work. And just to add, Becca has been Trial Mod for a long time now, so what we need to do is this; either make her full Mod or demote her. (D:) This server needs to be more self-sufficient; It can't just wait until its owners come on to get things done. The server has been up for over 6 months now, so it should be able to operate on its own, and it can be done by putting more control in the hands of people who love this server dearly and are on everyday. Thank you.


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Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods Empty Re: Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods

Post  Becca Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:29 am

The lack of owners recently is because Leslie (Swing) is studying for his exams as he underwent one a few days ago, His studying and Uni comes first. Always.
The lack of Spiddles however is unreasonable.
cough dota2 cough.
I don't blame him for not being online much or for long, People just annoy him when he logs in.

Although it would be good for mods to rank up some people aren't on in Madi's timezone, making it pointless for a lot of players,

An auto ranker would be perfect. Yet it's still hard to set up.

I know ranking up is hard at the moment, but It's still efficienct this way.
All anyone has to do really is just pm spiddles or swingingkings, yet most refuse as they " I don't want to go to the forums, what's their skype maybe i can annoy them enough", I don't believe in giving out a skype which is why i tell them forums.

Also, Staff can hold sponges and money and i've been more than happy to for people over the past few months,

GetStuffForRank>PassToStaff>StaffAnnoyOwners>YouGetRankedUp Cool

Problem solved.


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Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods Empty Re: Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods

Post  Psiiche Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:37 pm

Becca wrote:GetStuffForRank>PassToStaff>StaffAnnoyOwners>YouGetRankedUp

The problem with this is now you and Madi would have 5 million sponges in a box at your house and 5million more bucks in your pocket to hold onto until you run into an owner. Then you have to sit and throw them at him one member at a time. Do you really feel like going through 10 and a half people's rank up stuff? Are you going to write down who gives you what, how much, and what rank they need and keep accurate, appropriate check of this for maybe a week or so until an owner gets on to have to sort it out with you?

Ten bucks says the owners woud get tired of cleaning up the giant pile both you AND Madi would have waiting on them. I tried doing this and within 4 days of telling people I would do it for them I had 13 people's stuff in my house. I had to give over half of it back due to not running into Swing or Spids before the person had saved up for their NEXT rank-up.

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Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods Empty Re: Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods

Post  Becca Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:08 am

Psiiche wrote:
Becca wrote:GetStuffForRank>PassToStaff>StaffAnnoyOwners>YouGetRankedUp

The problem with this is now you and Madi would have 5 million sponges in a box at your house and 5million more bucks in your pocket to hold onto until you run into an owner. Then you have to sit and throw them at him one member at a time. Do you really feel like going through 10 and a half people's rank up stuff? Are you going to write down who gives you what, how much, and what rank they need and keep accurate, appropriate check of this for maybe a week or so until an owner gets on to have to sort it out with you?

Ten bucks says the owners woud get tired of cleaning up the giant pile both you AND Madi would have waiting on them. I tried doing this and within 4 days of telling people I would do it for them I had 13 people's stuff in my house. I had to give over half of it back due to not running into Swing or Spids before the person had saved up for their NEXT rank-up.

I set up seperate chests and have a sign with Name>Rank>sponges+money, 
I pay the owners and they look through/delete the chest themselves.
People have tried making Tickets but they are never seen so.

If they were going to give the permissions for certain people to rank others up, My guess they would have done it by now. 


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Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods Empty Re: Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods

Post  Inv3rt3d Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:07 am

I'm actually a bit annoyed. The point of a trial-mod rank is to have people on trial to see if they can become a mod; a preliminary stage. A person cannot be on "trial" for 4 months! It was one month when Psiiche was promoted and a month when Madi was promoted. I think that most, if not all, of the current trial-mods are ideal for the mod position. They have proved that they can moderate the server, countless times. When the owners aren't online (90% of the time), 75% of that time trial-mods are on, moderating the server. I think that all of us have displayed attitudes in which we embrace the community and help the community. I believe that all trial-mods are helpful and are friendly towards fellow players. The trial-mods have banned, muted and kick an innumerous amount of times and they certainly have moderated the server. We've ticked all your boxes, Leslie and Chris.

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Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods Empty Re: Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods

Post  Becca Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:54 am

Inv3rt3d wrote: A person cannot be on "trial" for 4 months! 
I've been Trial-Mod for 6ish months so.. Obviously a person can be on "trial" for 4 months ._.


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Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods Empty Re: Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods

Post  Inv3rt3d Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:00 pm

You, my friend, were demoted. Even if it was a couple of days, it was still a demotion. I've been waiting 4 months consecutively. Becca, you unfortunately know what fate lies ahead of you, but I'm trying to harness my own destiny as well as Boyd's. You get the idea, the probation period is way out of hand.

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Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods Empty Re: Ranking Up; A Necessity to Perthcraft Mods

Post  Becca Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:15 pm

Inv3rt3d wrote:You, my friend, were demoted. Even if it was a couple of days, it was still a demotion. I've been waiting 4 months consecutively. Becca, you unfortunately know what fate lies ahead of you, but I'm trying to harness my own destiny as well as Boyd's. You get the idea, the probation period is way out of hand.
Gee thanks.


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