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Re-Staff Application

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Re-Staff Application Empty Re-Staff Application

Post  Min3r_St3v3 Tue Mar 26, 2013 9:11 pm

Name: Nicholas Mercer

Age: 13

Minecraft Username: Min3r_St3v3

Timezone: Eastern

How long have you been on our server?
I have been on the server for about 3-4 months. I am usually on 3-5 hours during a week day and 4-9 hours on a weekend.

Why should you be a moderator?:
First, I should be a moderator because i am on almost all the time witch could be really helpful in times of need. Second, I like to help the people on the server when they need help. This is because I'm friendly virtually and in real life (unless its my sister annoying me to death).

What could you do to help the server?:
When someone is dying a lot, I could supply them with iron armor at the most, leather armor at the least. I'm on a lot so there is someone to catch people most of the time. What I mean by this is if someone spams, I can mute them. Only if they do it to much. If the muting doesn't teach them a lesson then I could kick them. Also, since I'm on a lot, i can help catch the griefers and stealers a lot more and help keep the server a safe helpful place.

Tell us a bit about yourself:
I live in America but came from Canada. Since I'm from Canada, I don't really like it how I now have to spell colour like color. It's annoying to me. Also, I'm usually nice to people. When I'm not nice to Someone, it's because they insulted me really badly. I'm usually good in school. The thing I'm worst at in school is grammar and spelling so this is really hard for me to type so perfectly (just kidding). I think that PerthCraft is the best server on Minecraft and that you to are the best server owners in Minecraft. Something else I hate is that since we have different time zones, I have to wait till my 10:00-12:00 O' clock to talk to you, rank up, or ask you a question. Also, you and Swing seem like really nice people and people that would be nice to meet in real life.

Include some information about how long you've been on this server and any previous experiences on other servers.
I do not have any experience at being a moderator but, I helped so many people and I was so nice to people that I was probably so close to becoming a moderator.

Thank you for reading this application. I hope you take it into consideration. Smile


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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  Becca Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:24 am

I don't think i've ever seen you help someone, yet i'm not really wathcing certain people to see what they do and what not, Being online as much as you said you have i'm not sure, i have only seen you on a few times when i'm on, could be because of time zones i'm not sure, or the fact you could be playing on other servers aswell.
I think it'd be better if you were a bit older and more understanding.
You Troll quite a bit and don't listen when you're asked to stop, i don't know if that's because you aren't seeing people telling you to stop or you're just ignoring it until you get an official warning.
Either way, i don't support you as a trial moderator or any other staff position, i know this may come off as mean but i don't intend it that way, i just think you should wait a bit longer before applying Razz

And, Which* Wink


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Post  milly4life Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:13 am

Im just saying that you are not online as much as you might think. at the moment all but 2 staff members are on the /lp top. you on the other hand are not. You have been here for a long time, and maybe you used to be more active, however at this moment you are not. And I think that your reasons to become a moderator could use a little work, we all can mute someone who is spamming chat or ban someone for griefing, however not abusing your power is another.

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Re-Staff Application Empty I Troll?

Post  Min3r_St3v3 Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:16 pm

I don't troll. The last time I trolled was like a month or so ago and I'm on every day from like 3-6 then sometimes from like 7-8:40 for my timezone. I never see you on milly. also just yesterday I gave someone full diamond armor and extra diamonds. (Not just because they were my sister but because I was proving I'm helpful.)


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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  ISeeYouTrolllin Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:22 pm

Min3r doesn't troll, Milly. He's actually quite quiet and doesn't make people mad. However he isn't quiet to the point where he doesn't know what's going on, he's just usually on a prodgect. All is good in MY opinion, but for some reason if you aren't a teenager, you can't be trusted. I wish you luck, Min3r.



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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  Inv3rt3d Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:59 pm

ISeeYouTrolllin wrote:Min3r doesn't troll, Milly. He's actually quite quiet and doesn't make people mad. However he isn't quiet to the point where he doesn't know what's going on, he's just usually on a prodgect. All is good in MY opinion, but for some reason if you aren't a teenager, you can't be trusted. I wish you luck, Min3r.

What did you base that off? All of the staff including the owners are teens (Spiddles is 16, Swing is 17, I'm 14, Becca is 16, Madi is 16 and Firstbase is 19).

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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  milly4life Wed Mar 27, 2013 9:29 pm

I have just looked that this thread again, and I tried to not offend anyone, however it appears that I now have to things to respond to.

Min3r_St3v3 wrote: I never see you on milly.

First I am online a lot, so maybe its the timezone difference, or you are the one who is not on a lot. Im really 3 on the loyalty point leader board, but it wont show becca.

Re-Staff Application Bghf7Zul

ISeeYouTrolllin wrote: Min3r doesn't troll, Milly.

Second, If you read my origional post, I never said that he does troll. I just talked about ontime and what you could do for the server.

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Re-Staff Application Empty K but...

Post  Min3r_St3v3 Wed Mar 27, 2013 10:12 pm

I'm on a lot. The loyalty points aren't trust able. I'm on for 3-6 hours a day and that's true. On the other hand, I never see you on even when I'm on till one in the morning eastern time. And Becca, I don't troll. I do stop when I'm asked to. If you don't like me or you just don't want me to be trial-mod, why don't you just say so. But I haven't Trolled for so long.


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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  milly4life Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:42 pm

Look miner, i'm trying not to be mean, but you do hold grudges, we all do. However people try to work them out, but don't try to sabotage other people, i just posted a pic that proved that there are alot of people who are online more than you. If you want to show how much you have been online, then you can post a pic of your /lp time. Also, the reason that I am posting this is because in game you did just try to troll me, i went along with it and pretended not to notice, but you do troll. So I revise my previous post to agree with becca, you troll people.

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Post  Inv3rt3d Wed Mar 27, 2013 11:45 pm

Min3r, as nice as the donation was, it won't give you the staff position, haven't seen him troll (I don't think) but you're not on all the time, min3r, you log in and out erratically, whereas the other day, milly and I were ingame by ourselves. You're on a bit, but not a lot.

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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  Becca Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:16 am

Loyalty points is trustable, you get a point every 10 minutes for being active,
You don't stop, e.g the other day you kept killing yourself, after i told you to stop spamming your death and others told you and another person who wasn't ranked up to stop, you continued for 10 more minutes as i continued to warn you, you didn't listen until i used caps.
I agree i shouldn't have used caps but you wouldn't listen, i didn't want to kick you because you kept leaving and joining and continuing, and muting wouldn't have worked either because you weren't talking.
Caps was an option i took and it worked.
In the future watch the chat.


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Post  Min3r_St3v3 Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:44 am

I did when you said stop then I fell for legit. I kept leaving then joining because my internet has been having problems lately. That's not my fault. And I wasn't trying to die. I was trying to upgrade my graceful landing chance. I'm not on all the time Inv3rt3d. I know that. But the reason behind that is that I have School. I also have homework to. Also, I almost never see you and milly on.


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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  TBS Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:33 am

Inv3rt3d wrote:What did you base that off? All of the staff including the owners are teens (Spiddles is 16, Swing is 17, I'm 14, Becca is 16, Madi is 16 and Firstbase is 19).

Not Psiiche

ISeeYouTrolllin wrote: but for some reason if you aren't a teenager, you can't be trusted.

Okay then..

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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  ISeeYouTrolllin Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:17 pm

milly4life wrote:Look miner, i'm trying not to be mean, but you do hold grudges, we all do. However people try to work them out, but don't try to sabotage other people, i just posted a pic that proved that there are alot of people who are online more than you. If you want to show how much you have been online, then you can post a pic of your /lp time. Also, the reason that I am posting this is because in game you did just try to troll me, i went along with it and pretended not to notice, but you do troll. So I revise my previous post to agree with becca, you troll people.


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Post  ISeeYouTrolllin Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:17 pm

oops, I'm not good with highlighting ;p


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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  Inv3rt3d Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:27 pm

TBS wrote:
Inv3rt3d wrote:What did you base that off? All of the staff including the owners are teens (Spiddles is 16, Swing is 17, I'm 14, Becca is 16, Madi is 16 and Firstbase is 19).

Not Psiiche

ISeeYouTrolllin wrote: but for some reason if you aren't a teenager, you can't be trusted.

Okay then..
Tbs, she resigned -.-

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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  TBS Fri Mar 29, 2013 1:13 pm

Inv3rt3d wrote:
TBS wrote:
Inv3rt3d wrote:What did you base that off? All of the staff including the owners are teens (Spiddles is 16, Swing is 17, I'm 14, Becca is 16, Madi is 16 and Firstbase is 19).

Not Psiiche

ISeeYouTrolllin wrote: but for some reason if you aren't a teenager, you can't be trusted.

Okay then..
Tbs, she resigned -.-

Wow, when was this? Shocked

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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  Min3r_St3v3 Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:56 pm

milly4life wrote:Also, the reason that I am posting this is because in game you did just try to troll me, i went along with it and pretended not to notice, but you do troll.

I never trolled you. I have no idea what you're talking about. Say how I trolled you and I'll say if I did or if I didn't. But I don't remember trolling you.


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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  milly4life Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:26 pm

Min3r_St3v3 wrote:
milly4life wrote:Also, the reason that I am posting this is because in game you did just try to troll me, i went along with it and pretended not to notice, but you do troll.

I never trolled you. I have no idea what you're talking about. Say how I trolled you and I'll say if I did or if I didn't. But I don't remember trolling you.

Well steve, I was repairing all diamond armor for free, you know, its a way of getting my repair skill up. Usually its a win win. People get their armor repaired, and I get xp for the repair. However with the repair skill you only get xp for THE DURABILITY REPAIRED not how many diamonds you put into a tool. I know that you know this, so when I announced to the server that i was repairing armor, you gave me a set of diamond armor with one hit on each piece. I had to wast 4 diamonds on your armor, and got no xp, so tell me, it that exchange still a win win? no its a win lose, because I get no xp, but still used my diamonds. You knew this very well, and have also held a grudge against me in game, you are constantly telling me how the /lp top is wrong that that I haven't earned the on time that I have on that leader board.

Look I try to be nice to everyone on this server, and I mean EVERYONE. but you seem to have a problem with me, if you want to send me a PM telling me what I did to you, please do. I'm not sure what I did, so please tell me.

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Post  Min3r_St3v3 Fri Mar 29, 2013 7:51 pm

Actually, I didn't know that. I've never been that good at understanding repairing.


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Re-Staff Application Empty Re: Re-Staff Application

Post  ISeeYouTrolllin Sat Mar 30, 2013 7:25 pm

Dude. Min3r. This doesn't add up. 18 Bad replies.... Idk dude


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