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Post  Mr_Round Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:01 pm

Becca Ban Me today for advertising

When i was setting up a server so people can play while King was updating

I got busy and never got a chance to post it. I have a 14 day work schedule away from home and didn't get around to it when i Logged to ask people how i should post it then Becca was kinda rude and ban me


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For Advertising Empty Re: For Advertising

Post  Becca Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:00 am

I've been waiting around a week to see you online.

Advertising Is advertising whether It's through /msg or not.

When the server gets updated I'm not sure It'll be offline, It's a simple 3 clicks and It's 1.7

there Isn't any need for a long downtime. If people want to play on Perthcraft then I'm sure they'll wait.

It's not exactly the best thing when someone signs in and the first thing they say Is;

"Becca have you been on rounds server?"

Advertising Is a permaban, I told you to read the rules. like honestly Rule 6.

For Advertising First10

For Advertising Second10

I'd like to point out from previous advertisements; 

 Advertising, is clearly against the rules of the server, and has always resulted into a permanent ban. 
Advertising includes posting the name of the IP or the name of your current server, anywhere on the server or on web page about the server.

The guy asking Mr_round where he's from, asked bob and I too, after I said Australia..
Bob: do you come from the land down under?
Nek Minnit, All aussie's know that song that pops into mind? ... I'd like to say It's been hours and just from that line, It's still in my head!


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Post  N3GL3CTMidget Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:31 pm

Seriously, I was even on when this guy talked about making a server, I thoroughly explained to him numerous times that he would get banned for advertising, he replied with, "I'll get special permission." You, Mr_Round, are the epitomy of all dumbasses everywhere, and its ignorance like that that irritates me to absolutely no end. Good riddance.


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For Advertising Empty Dont talk about me like that

Post  Mr_Round Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:42 pm

1st of all it was miss understanding
2ed you shouldn't call people names
3rd Be happy to know that I was unban
4th but don't worry when I see you I'll turn chat off

Assholes like you is why the world is so messed up and internet bulling may work on the kids you talk down to bit not me seems like you gonna be a ass to any one and every one and your breaking rules that way mine was a misunderstanding


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Post  N3GL3CTMidget Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:48 pm

A misunderstanding?...Really?...You really wanna claim that, after I spent several minutes explaining to you that It was against the rules and that you would be banned. I honestly don't think I could've been anymore clear. And yes, sometimes I am an asshole, but after I spend so much time trying to prevent you from being banned, and you met my advice with ignorance and attitude, then yes, I'm gonna be a dick, because you won't get it through your head. As for ignoring me, I honestly don't give a damn, I don't speak to those I don't know anyway, unless they make an effort to talk to me. Otherwise to me, its just another day on Perthcraft for me and my mines. Oh, and you got unbanned? Great, have a figuritive cookie in hopes that you won't try this stunt again, else you'll be met with the exact same punishment as before, except (if this is still a thing) you'll have to donate $10 to be unbanned. Have a nice day.


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Post  Mr_Round Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:50 pm

Let's just call it a day and end this dispute before it gets out of hand good day


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Post  N3GL3CTMidget Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:51 pm

Actually, I very much enjoy taking down ignorant people a peg or two, it brings me great joy. Smile


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For Advertising Empty Re: For Advertising

Post  Mr_Round Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:54 pm

Talking down to people makes you the one who is ignorant. teaching people is much more enjoyable

If youre going to be rude please do not reply and keep it to your self


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Post  N3GL3CTMidget Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:05 pm

Hohooooo no, I'm gonna continue to talk, because, like it or not, I am teaching you a lesson, in fact, the warning I gave you should've thrown up some red flags! I'm not talking down to you, I'm not personally attacking you in anyway( Except for the "epitomy of all dumbasses" thing, but that was to describe your actions more than who you are.), basically, welcome to how people owned servers work! They pay for the service to keep it running, so YOU can play on it for free, therefore, the owners are entitled to make rules and stipulations that you must follow. Don't like the rules? Too bad! Either get over them and don't assume you have "Special Permission" and continue playing, or leave! Simple Very Happy


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For Advertising Empty Re: For Advertising

Post  Becca Thu Nov 14, 2013 5:05 am

I honestly don't see why you were unbanned.
Swing spoke to me about It saying that It was a misunderstanding, but you could of added people on other things like skype or something and told them.
Other people have advertised or thought about making a server for 1.7.2 and they weren't allowed, how come you "get" to? 

you advertsied, and you never said you have asked swing nor said anything about it being for the server until I told you it was a permaban. 

I'm started to just dislike perthcraft all together now and I honestly don't know why I come online. People break rules every day and they get unabnned yet are rebanned by someone else hours later for doing the same thing again. 

There's just no community in Perthcraft anymore. It's like a jail broken prison that's still continuing to get out of control. 

This thread as also gotten out of control. 

You advertised a server as your own saying you needed testers and people to play on it, nothing about it being for perthcraft or having permission from swing until I said It was a permaban. 
swing unbanned you and told me it was a "Missunderstanding" so go advertise that server of yours. 
You spend hours on the server at times then you make up the excuse you didn't have time to post it on the forums? spending ours in the server, 60 minutes per hour.. you had plenty of time.

Zach, don't bring your nose where It doesn't belong, nor continue with your pointless judgmental banter where It is unneeded. Don't bring a fight to the forums or the server. 

Thread Locked.


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