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Staff application

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Staff application Empty Staff application

Post  nattalex Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:58 pm

Guidelines to become staff (Not all must be filled):
-Speak English fluently, and know how to write correctly with punctuation and grammar.
-Mature/responsible age
-Be an active and friendly community member

Name:Nathanael McCullagh
Age:2 months off 13
Minecraft Username:nattalex
Contact:Skype-nattalexoo (but not on that much)
How long have you been on our server? 5 and a half months
Why should you be a moderator?: I love helping people on the server, I like all the people on the server and I wish I could help loads more.
What could you do to help the server?: Mods are not capable of being on the server 24/7. I understand that. This server is growing rapidly, but sadly are the hackers, spammers, griefers, advertisers, and other rulebreakers. over my time on the server I have found that people get annoyed at these people but forget to take screenshots. I feel if we get Mods to cover all timezones this will grind to a massive halt, and perthcraft will be a happy and only full of nice people.

Tell us a bit about yourself: I am 13 year old who lives with 5 siblings and 2 parents. With this house I have learnt how to be tolerant to people and to be nice.

I have had no past experience on other servers but I have been helping out with some problems on this server when the Mods were not on.


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Staff application Empty Re: Staff application

Post  Becca Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:51 pm

I'm going to put this in numbered points, please don't take any offense to anything It's just my opinion.

1. You were offline for the past 3 months
2. Your forum account is guest.
3. You're never on
4. You don't help people
5. You haven't taken screen shots, you make /pe's and say someone has a screenshot. That's not helpful at all.
6. I've never seen you have any interest in helping someone or the server.
7. we have a lot of staff members and some are barely active yes but It doesn't need to be monitored 24/7, If It were, people might start to feel a bit in prison and start thinking they're constantly being watched.
8. You said you were 2 months off being 13, then below you said you were 13.
9. I don't actually see how you could possibly help.
10. You say Skype Is a way to contact you but you're never on It.
11. Perthcraft Isn't growing rapidly, It's barely growing, a lot of people aren't playing anymore.
As I said, this is just my opinion and I'm sorry If It came off mean.


Posts : 419
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Join date : 2012-12-15
Location : Wodonga

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Staff application Empty lol

Post  weemich Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:45 am

i love the fact that this application was put up yesterday and has a reply, mine was up nearly 2 months ago and i dont have a single reply Sad am i just unlucky or hated?


Posts : 25
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Join date : 2013-08-26

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Staff application Empty Re: Beccas comment

Post  natalex Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:32 am

Counter-argument time :3

1. I was only off for 2 months and it states that you have to be active for a week, I was active for 2 weeks before I posted this application. The reason I stopped for a while was because I hardly saw people because of my timezone.

2. My forum account is being sorted. It is guest because I accidentally spelt my email address wrong under my username and it wont let Bob get rid of it and swing is trying to sort it out.

3. Im never on in UR timezone, im always on in the morning at GMT.

4. I do help people, ask Jack, I am constantly asking does anyone need help and I have given suff to new people as well as help build a temp. house till the new world comes.

5. I havent been taught how to paste a screenshot into the forums, an information page on that would do nicely.

6. I have interest in helping people, yet again ask Jack.

7. Once I was on the server with one other guy and U and Bob were on, I didnt feel imprisoned there and im sure nickel didnt either.

8. Typos are very common Becca, ive seen u and others do plenty.

9. I'd like to stop spammers/hackers/griefers and make the server more enjoyable. I've also tried to get more people to play since ive started playing again, my classmates. One of them became obsessed with dirt and made a dirt mansion. Bob did the grand opening.

10. I just said another way of contacting me, what do u want my mobile number?

11. When i stopped playing perthcraft, in the morning there was 0 people on. now there is usually 6 when I come on. That is growth in my mind, not sure about urs Becca.

This is the conclusion of my counter-argument.


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Staff application Empty Re: Staff application

Post  Becca Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:37 pm

Tbh I didn't pay attention to any of that because of the grammar. I don't understand why people use "u" and "ur" for you, your, you're.

We have enough young staff, and half the trial mods had been trial for too long, we don't need more trials that are going to stick at trial. 

We already have a young trial and It's only proved how old people really need to be to hold up responsibility, I know everyone Is different, I have yet to see you actually do anything for anyone.
Helping newbies Isn't all you can do to help. 

Don't ask people If they need help, let them ask you.(this establishes trust and respect)
It doesn't help to ask every now and then but If someone wants help, they ask.

A lot of people give to the new people.

There's multiple of other things you can do to actually help the server, helping a new person/people or reporting a grief, Isn't everything.

I think our staff team has enough people in it, anymore and we'll be over running the server. You may not feel totally encased with two mods on, try being a new guy with 2 mods, and 3 trials on. That doesn't sound fun.


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Join date : 2012-12-15
Location : Wodonga

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Staff application Empty Strongly agree

Post  PlzTelMeimPretty Mon Oct 28, 2013 6:33 pm

Im going to have to strongly agree with becca.

You said that once you helped.......

ONCE.... you should be helping more then once to be considered for staff. Don't be asking people for help and dont wait for someone to ask either, just help them out. It should be an instinct. You see a new player, help them find a place to build and materials to start.

Also, when becca said that the server is barely growing, she didn't mean that in the morning there are 0 players and an hour later there are 5 people. She meant that no new members are join that will stay longer then 1 day and be active.

Also, we have enough staff members.

This just aint the time to apply for staff. But maybe later as time goes, someone will quit for some reason or swing will need more staff, then will be a good time to apply but til then i think you should gain more trust, and be helpful to others. Not just jack or players who swing knows the most.

Hope this was clear.


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Join date : 2013-04-10

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Staff application Empty Re- Plztelmeimpretty

Post  natalex Tue Oct 29, 2013 2:47 pm

I never said I helped once, I said I was constantly asking does anyone need help. Where you got that from I don't know. I know you have a lot of staff, but this will still be here when a few will stop playing, won't it? I'm not just helpful to Jack, I'm help a lot of new players, 2 Examples are nickelchange and ellastina, but there a more. I have also helped Weemich with his rank upgrade. I personally thought a lot of people trusted me but I guess not. Where you got that i'm helpful to swing, I don't know, i've only seen him on the server like 5 times and none in the last month because of timezone difference.

The conclusion of my Counter argument with PlzTelMeimpretty.


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Staff application Empty Re: Staff application

Post  Min3r_St3v3 Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:13 pm

Becca wrote:We already have a young trial and It's only proved how old people really need to be to hold up responsibility
Is this referring to me?


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Staff application Empty Re: Staff application

Post  Becca Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:13 am

Min3r_St3v3 wrote:
Becca wrote:We already have a young trial and It's only proved how old people really need to be to hold up responsibility
Is this referring to me?


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Join date : 2012-12-15
Location : Wodonga

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