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New map next update

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New map next update?

New map next update I_vote_lcap29%New map next update I_vote_rcap 29% 
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New map next update Empty New map next update

Post  BigBig_DC Fri May 03, 2013 9:42 am

I think it's time to get a new map now. We've had this map since the start of the server, there's been a few updates and there's quite a few new things added in the next update that can only be found new maps. Our map is mostly explored. I've watched videos of people trying to get horses using the snapshot on a old map. They had to travel great distances and our map is not that big.

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New map next update Empty Re: New map next update

Post  Inv3rt3d Fri May 03, 2013 9:52 am

With the amount of people that play at once, I don't think a new map is needed. A lot of people's hard work will just turn to nothing if the decision is made. At most, there's maybe 25 people on, a world of our size, even if it isn't too big, is still big enough to fit that many people. Anyhow, only a couple of people join our server a day.

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New map next update Empty Re: New map next update

Post  BigBig_DC Fri May 03, 2013 10:31 am

How are we suppose to get the items that can't be crafted in the next update?
And horses, everyone loves horses. You can't just get Spiddles or Swing to fly around randomly spawning horses.

Obblecraft had a map reset, everyone survived it. We'll eventually have to reset the map, why not do it when new mobs and items are getting added into the game?

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New map next update Empty Re: New map next update

Post  Inv3rt3d Fri May 03, 2013 10:59 am

Maybe for a larger update. The server will be updated with all the remaining block and items that have been placed on it like before. You can update without having to change the map, you know.

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New map next update Empty Re: New map next update

Post  swingingkings Fri May 03, 2013 11:10 am

We could set up a mining would, expand the normal world, and the mining world could be reset every major update.

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New map next update Empty Re: New map next update

Post  TBS Fri May 03, 2013 11:30 am

######Mining world!!!

Last edited by TBS on Fri May 03, 2013 3:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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New map next update Empty Re: New map next update

Post  Becca Fri May 03, 2013 12:59 pm

Mining world i'm all up for, but A MAP RESET?!

no no no no no no no!

I and others have worked too hard to just have it all wiped.

Starting over is something i don't want to do.

I just started getting my town set up.

Just no.

David you hardly play on Perthcraft, you have no idea how amazing half these peoples builds are,

Mining world I've suggested for months. And it's always gotten blown off. "there's plenty of ores, we don't need a mining world."

If there's a way to get everyones towns and builds and items to a new map, Then sure.

No? Then no effing way.


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Post  BobRuby Fri May 03, 2013 2:43 pm

I don't know how the mining world would work, but some of us are just getting our towns in shape. I really don't want to lose all of that hard work and creativity just for more diamonds and emeralds. Has the server been running for a year yet? I really don't want horses that badly.


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New map next update Empty Re: New map next update

Post  TBS Fri May 03, 2013 2:48 pm

The mining world is a world that you go mining in but it gets reset like every once in a while so there's actually places to mine for ores. It's completely sepret from the other worlds though so you don't need to worry about your builds Very Happy

Last edited by TBS on Fri May 03, 2013 2:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post  Inv3rt3d Fri May 03, 2013 2:51 pm

My main concern with the mining world is the decline of ore prices.

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New map next update Empty Re: New map next update

Post  RiverCloud Fri May 03, 2013 2:56 pm

I myself am totally not up for having a server reset, in any freaking way.

Many people have invested countless hours, if not DAYS, building and creating insane structures and towns. To simply reset the whole server map for a simple addition of making lives easier in finding horses?! Personally, I'd highly doubt the people who have already had their towns set up ages ago would be willing to have to start afresh, just for AIs like horses to roam around more commonly.

If it's necessary, perhaps Spiddles and Swings could even up the spawn rate of the horses, just until the amount found in the wild isn't a big deal?

I'm sure players who are relatively new to the server would be more than happy to have the map reset, because it'll mean everyone will have to start afresh, and new chunks will be available to go through, which will mean they don't have to fight as hard to get the necessary resources. However, if that is the strong motive towards getting a restart, I'd like to change their minds. I'm more than happy to help them out with whatever it is, and get them to the level where they're comfortable at.

I myself am personally strongly, truly, incredibly, INSANELY, OBSTINATELY AGAINST THE IDEA OF GETTING A SERVER MAP RESET.
For the past 3 months and more, I have invested hours and sleepless nights building my area to the level it is right now. It may not seem like a big deal, but I'm extremely fond of the biome I'm building in. I have been implementing my whole surroundings into my town. Ideas of structures have been settled for me ages ago, and I've terraformed many parts of my area, for uses later on in the future. I've worked so hard tailoring the area to fit what I plan to make, and although I haven't built a lot of what I have in mind, the things I have built have already costed me enough to drive me insane.

Sure, it's easy to just WorldEdit and paste in a build into a new world, in order to keep it. But what if your builds are part of the environment? What if you've built some massive tower that is literally built into the sides of an extreme mountain? What if you've got an underwater city that's got more than half of it implemented into the surrounding environment? We can't possible expect the owners to allow us to copy parts of the biome into the new world. This will cause more than one major issue.

First off, copying/pasting builds into a new server map isn't going to be fair for a lot of players.
Many will be starting on a clean slate, with no chests full of items, a house set up, a farm for food, etc. But for the players who have been on the server for ages, and have built all the dear things they cherish, they'll have, in a sense, more supplies than the player. It may sound ridiculous and childish, but I'll try to explain it a bit more.

I've been creating a greenhouse for my town for the longest time. It's not finished right now, but say for example it was. Rows of wheat, melons, pumpkins, sugar canes, cacti, cocoa, carrots, potatoes, nether warts, and mushrooms are already set in place for me. Everything will be automated with redstone and whatnot. The building that contains this farm will be a massive temple sort of place completely made of quartz. I've spent many hours building the whole greenhouse, and I'd like to have it saved. So, an owner copies it into the new world for me.

When I start to play on the new server, instead of like a new player typically would do, I would instead merely rely on my crops in my greenhouse to thrive, and not have to worry about having food or whatnot.

Pfft! Lame, it's just food. Then just remove all the crops, and just keep the building!

Okay, well fine. Remove all of the crops. Then what about the redstone wiring put into it? It's not EASY to wire up things to work the way you want it to. (At least not for me. Becca you can just go away because you're a genius and you don't count okay bai >Smile

Okay fine! Remove the redstone building then!

But hey, I've got this massive building that consists of a material that's not TOOO cheaply to get...I could just take bits down, sell it to others, profit, then rebuild what I've taken down with the profit I've made...

See, you get the point right? No? Well then go reread it again, and try to imagine someone on the server having a huge house already, whereas you have to go punch trees and create a hobbit hole. Yea. That's what I freaking mean. And this is just one of the many issues copying a build would create.

Another possible problem, is the actual process of pasting the build.

For example, someone has a fancy tower that extends into the ground. Are we really going to expect an owner to copy the tower all the way down into the ground, and paste it somewhere into the new world? Simply uproot the original, copy it, and hope we're able to implement it properly into its new surroundings? If someone's got a whole mountain with builds that are worth keeping, it's not exactly optimal to simply copy the whole freaking mountain, then find some mountain biome and plop it right down.
If that actually happens, the new server map essentially won't even be a NEW server map. It'll just have copies of bits and pieces of the old world, just with unexplored chunks (Oh, and let's not forget the flipping horses.)

I'm not saying that I'm against the idea of having horses or anything, but a server reset? Kind of too extreme.
Tsick suggested earlier that perhaps, owners can have horse spawn eggs sold or something? Another idea can be the possibility of upping the spawn rate for the little adorable buggers, until things get normal. Or expand the map a bit, from 8000x8000 to idk, 9000x9000? Or even more, a Mining World or something, just making it able to have horses tp with us through worlds or something idk?
Personally, I'd find these solutions much more flexible, convenient, safe, and appealing, than having a full out server reset.

So yea, that's my rant. Seriously take other factors into thought, evaluate to see if it's a reasonable approach, then act on it. Remember, the world doesn't only revolve around what you (not pointing to anyone in particular) want or need. We are all merely trying to have a happy time O u o

Note to self: It's kind of sad to realize that I'm more dedicated and willing to type out a viewpoint in a freaking game, compared to required school essays. -_-

Last edited by RiverCloud on Fri May 03, 2013 3:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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New map next update Empty Re: New map next update

Post  Frodomann1 Fri May 03, 2013 3:03 pm

Just expand the old world another 8000 blocks... Seriously, no need for more world (which cause lag)
just a bigger map. (And maybe we can get more RAM too.)

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Post  Becca Fri May 03, 2013 3:14 pm

RiverCloud wrote:At least not for me. Becca you can just go away because you're a genius and you don't count okay bai

At least not for me. Becca you can just go away because you're a genius and you don't count okay bai

At least not for me. Becca you can just go away because you're a genius and you don't count okay bai

At least not for me. Becca you can just go away because you're a genius and you don't count okay bai

At least not for me. Becca you can just go away because you're a genius and you don't count okay bai

I can't believe i actually read all that.
i'm sorry.. UW0TM8?!


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Post  RiverCloud Fri May 03, 2013 3:24 pm


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Post  silo44 Fri May 03, 2013 11:30 pm

I believe that we could have a mining world, although I see inverteds point... There will be more ores found, but not so many that it could change prices very drastically. I don't really like the idea, but there could be another map in which people can build on, and if we were seriouse about this new map, we could rebuild our towns over there... I personally don't like this idea but I'm trying to help both sides come to an agreement here. A mining world would be cool though.

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Post  ISeeYouTrolllin Sat May 04, 2013 5:59 pm

nu nu nu nu nu nu nu nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu never reset the world. I AM TOTALLY UP FOR THE MINING WORLD.

The thing is, I don't know if the mining world would be open to all ranks. Maybe, like R2+?



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New map next update Empty I like Troll's idea

Post  silo44 Sat May 04, 2013 8:34 pm

It also gives more insentive to rank up... This is a good idea in my eyes.


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Post  Becca Sun May 05, 2013 6:24 am

I vote R4+ i know it's a sorta high rank but still, R4 doesn't get much, Gives people a good sense of motivation to rank up c:


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Post  Inv3rt3d Sun May 05, 2013 7:37 am

Yeah, could you make this available when I have $60000 and 256 sponges when swing's online? Thanks.

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New map next update Empty Re: New map next update

Post  milly4life Thu May 09, 2013 4:25 pm

If we did reset the world, do you think that some loyal member should be allowed to keep some of their things and move them into the new world? I myself would like to keep my little greek shrine if we go to a new world, but seeing as how I don't play that much anymore I dont really mind re building it.

I understand that we cant have everyone just copy and past their stuff to the new world, but what if it only applied to r3 members and up. Swing wont be spammed by "move my stuff" and loyal members wont lose their prize buildings. R3 is not hard to get, it takes time, but so does becoming a loyal member.

I would hate to see psiiche lose her budder house, I know arisaka has a kewl spawn, becca must have built somthing by now, yoda had that underwater house, Inverted has his factory of world domination, Aussie had his island, and do we really want to lose big_Big_DC's power plant?

Im just thinking that a total fresh start is nice, just let some people take their really cool stuff. Im not saying that we should be able to put all of our diamonds in a chest and take it to the new world, just the stuff people put a lot of time in to build.

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Post  Psiiche Fri May 10, 2013 2:29 am

Northrend and my friend's houses.
My butter house.
Our cross-map train tracks/rail stations.
My roller coaster.
Firstbase's many many arenas.
Our largest town, Trollica.
Our many other smaller, but still handmade towns.
All of our individuals who are not a member of a town, but still have remarkable houses/land.

You may not have played on Perthcraft long yourself BigBig, and you may not have built your power plant 100% "by your own hand", but the rest of us made our map into what it is now. A map reset would be a slap in the face for every player. The map gets regenerated where it's needed most (areas close to spawn/warps, abandoned areas, etc) so the landscape does not look bad, and is re-inhabitable. If you feel the map is overused, move somewhere it hasn't been touched. We (Northrend members) moved our entire town, move your house somewhere no one has settled.

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Post  firstbase21 Fri May 10, 2013 3:23 am

I for one feel that a mining world would be worth the effort to get, but as Psiiche said ... you can find an untouched spot if you actually look for one.

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Post  Inv3rt3d Fri May 10, 2013 2:31 pm

Anyone notice that firstbase21 got the 21st post?
I don't see why need to reset a world when another can be created. The world would only be able to if you have the WJR (World Jump Rank). What I'm thinking is another rank after R8 that costs a million dollars and however many sponges it needs to be. It's motivation for the players in the higher ranks to have a goal and not be bored. When travelling to the new world, all items in the current inventory would be destroyed each time you go there to make it feel like there are 2 different gameplays. It would be a lot of work, but there aren't really any cons to it in my opinion, any constructive criticism?

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