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Post  firstbase21 Thu Feb 07, 2013 8:12 am

|Seriously... 'dem cookies be damn fine|

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The town of Firelight
Located in the west end of the North world

Firelight's past time is playing Slimeball in the amazing Rumble Stadium.
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If you are interested in playing a game or would just like more information, please see the thread available in the suggestions section titled "Professional Slimeball League (PSL)" or google search for the minecraft game Blocky.

Firelight is aslo home to the "Noob" Hotel. Where we cater to the needs of the noobish.
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The hotel offers protected temporary rooms or apartments for a more permanent basis. Guests have access to our Brewing and Enchanting facilities. The hotel is still under minor construction but it is fully functional as of now.

The Firelight Palace is ment to look like a man crawling out of the ground.
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There is no specific reason for this; it just sorta happend.

The town is far from finished as there are several city improvements to be made. Such as: a high speed Subway, A power level arena, and a Spleef arena.

Firelight residence are asked to follow 2 rules: Dont be a dick and every so often you have to play a game with Firstbase21. Join Firelight... we have cookies I-want12

Members of the town will also have access to a town ranch and farm under the terms that everything is replaced afterwards.

I've been busy adding new attractions to Firelight and hopefully they'll help entice more people to join. The first of witch is entirely protected pre leveled and beautified build sites. The sites tend to be 16x16, but due to the roads I have through the town some are smaller. I prefer to give multiple plots to my residents so the building can have more potential. Also a huge community garden bosting around 400 wheat; 100 potatoes; 100 carrots; 36 sugarcane; 32 cocoa beans; 48 auto-harvesting pumpkins; and 48 auto-harvesting melons! The finial addition to Firelights attractions is the large NPC village that has been completed.
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The town currently has approximately 40+ villagers as well as 4 auto-spawned Iron Golem Join Firelight... we have cookies Screen11

Be careful around the villagers with this guy cause he'll kick your face in if you hit one of them.

Here's a picture of some cute little baby villigers...
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aren't they so precious... tongue

But allas... I keep them locked away in a box when I'm gone to keep them safe... so if you want to mingle with them you'll have to ask when I'm online... unless if your an admin... then you can probably do what ever the heck you want

Well I've decided to make Firelight the servers "game hub". So I have 3 new games to announce. The first is a game everyone knows and loves... and that game is Spleef!!! The stadium has already been completed and I have dubed it the "Snow Dome"!!!
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The court is a 10x10 arena and made entirely of snow. There is some redstone involved in the way the game starts and the "score system."

The game as you may know is played by 2 people who start on opposing sides of the field. In this version of the game since no pluggins or coding was involved it is essential to use a shovel (Diamond is recommended, if you dont use it your at a huge disadvantage). Player one presses the start button and then both players press themselves against the sand until it falls and they are tossed into the ring. At witch point you both begin breaking blocks in an attempt to knock the other into the pit. When this happens a door is temporarily opened that has extra snow blocks to repair the court with... please do so.
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The second game that's stadium is now in progress is an original by me... so it either could be a stroke of genius or a complete failure... either way I need 2 other people to test it out. The game idea came to me while I was getting help from Psiiche in the capture of a "Rogue" Iron Golem... they dont like you very much when you accidentally hit them... and he hit me back and went flying into the air and landed on top of a 2 block high lamp post... So ... thats kinda the game. I call it "Golem Basketball" and yes, you are the ball. Your goal is to land on top of the 4 goals before your opponent and NOT DIE... it starts by pissing off one of my village Iron Golems and bringing him back to the stadium. There will be a redstone scoreboard that I designed and will require someone to do some maintenance to it in-between games to reset it.

The 3rd game is also a work in progress game I'm thinking up... It'll be called "Arrow Golf" so as you can imagine it'll be played like golf ... only with arrows. Each player will start with 16 arrows and a regular bow, and the goal will be to get your arrow to land on the target (item frame) in as few as possible shots. There will be a stroke penalty for not being able to retrive your arrow with out placing or destroying blocks. The course is already planned out to be throughout the city of Firelight in 9 "holes".

Firelight has just completed the Arrow Golf Debut course. It is recommended to be played with a partner but can be played alone. Since it is a game completely designed by me, its going to have its flaws that I'd appreciate your feedback on. But the rules for now are as follows:

Start by familiarizing yourself with the course so you know where your going and see any potential hazards that could cause you to lose your arrows.
Each player will have at least 16 arrows and a bow (Fire enchantment is allowed as it will help you find your arrows). The goal is to shot the item frame off of the stand (if one is not present then the hole is to hit the chiseled stone they normally rest on). Your first shot at the hole will be taken on the 5x5 tee off arean at each prior hole (Hole 1's tee off area is Hole 9). The first player will shoot until he/she hits an item frame (or comes really close to it, then you just assume you would've hit it on your next shot). Then the next player will take their turn. You win by taking less shots to hit the target.
The game is played as similarly as possible to actual golf.
As of right now Hole #4 is broken so just skip it.
I'll post a map to the holes eventually. But the game may better be suited outside of a town so I'll probably build one better soon.

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If an arrow goes where you cant reach it then you take a drop penalty (1 stroke) and shoot from the closest available spot.
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Last edited by firstbase21 on Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:09 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : New shiz)

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Post  firstbase21 Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:07 am

This is where I would put my residents...
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Post  Psiiche Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:37 pm

Thread cleaned up ;D
Deleted random posts for ya and whatnot.

Town looks awesome! Get out there and recruit!

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Join date : 2012-12-26
Age : 36
Location : New Brunswick, Canada

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