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XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal

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XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal Empty XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal

Post  TheGodFather Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:09 pm

Hey guys I tried to get on the other day and realized i was banned. I had been banned in the past for griefing so I understand the punishment was fair. I don't know what the grief was about or what i did so i would like to know. Whatever the grief was i'm really sorry about and shouldn't have done. In my early days on the server i did some dumb things i shouldn't have done before i knew the rules. Perthcraft was the only thing i did on Minecraft and getting banned from Perthcraft is like getting banned from Minecraft. I miss the community and my Perthcraftian friends. Ill pay the ten dollars if that's what needs to be done.

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XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal Empty Re: XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal

Post  PizzaCreeper101 Wed Nov 20, 2013 4:45 pm

Go to that link and it will show you your ban history
You have 5 bans so far on previous record.

Your banner is: XxTatan0012xX
Reason: Griefing
Time of Ban: November 16th, 2013 at 1:39:16 AM
Expire Time: NEVER

Please note I am trying to copy the table. If you find this ban unfair or want to get on, pay the ten dollars or ask around what your grief is. Sometimes people and banners don't pay attention to the LogBlock place and destruction times.
Hope this helps

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XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal Empty Re: XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal

Post  TheGodFather Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:07 pm

thanks pizzacreeper, ill try to figure out what the greif was and ill pay the 10 dollars.

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XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal Empty Reason for griefing

Post  xXTatan0012Xx Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:25 am

For taking this diamond block.
Second reason was the reason it was perma but it was sort of a mistake on my part cause i saw that you had 5 bans already so i perma banned you. Did not ask for reasons for past bans.
XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal Uozrcgn

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XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal Empty Re: XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal

Post  TheGodFather Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:59 pm

ohhh crap i remember that day, it was my first day in the event world and i saw the diamond block on a piston and there was alot of redstone. I hit the button a few times but couldn't figure out what was moving. i figured no one had been there in awhile so i destroyed it to see if i could have figured out what the pistons and stuff did. at the time in the event world i had nothing on me so when i destroyed the block it was broken. that was dumb of me and should have gone home grabbed another block and replaced it. I'm sorry.

Also something important i would like to address is my ban history. on my record i have 3 bans from Min3r. i should only have one. What happened was i was being dumb and wouldn't leave PlzTelMeImPretty's house. I consider my self friends with Min3r were from the same town in real life and i think my brother knew him. Being a responsible mod he got involved and banned me which was fair. I dont know exactly what happened but i think he had never had to ban someone before so when he tried to ban me it only banned me for 12 seconds. the initial ban should have been 1 day. this happened twice before working so i got 3 bans instead of 1.

the other thing i would like to bring up was the Wiz's town greif. On my first day of perthcraft i remember being in Wizardy's town and destroying blocks to get into a building just being curious but i tried to replace most of them. the ones i couldn't were because on my first day i didn't have and diamond pick yet. when wiz found one of the grief-ed blocks a little while ago he told Becca. Becca told me to talk to talk to wiz, so i did. i talked to wiz apologized about it and he told me it was okay and that it was just a few blocks apart of building outside his town that he was going to destroy anyway. i didn't mean what i did in a way of stealing blocks or greifing in the way of "trolling" to annoy him. i have nothing against wiz and don't think he really has anything against me. i had talked to him on perth many times after the incident.  

                                                                                                         -Thanks Ryan

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XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal Empty Re: XTh3_GodFath3rX's ban appeal

Post  Becca Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:28 am

To be honest, I've seen multiple of your griefs, I leave them alone because they were months ago and I can't do anything about It from such a long time ago,

I've found 6 in the past month, you've griefed wiz more than once, there's random blocks missing all around his town from you, every time I see wiz online he tells me he's found a new griefed area and It's always you.

I give you so many warnings but because It's so long ago there's more griefs being found which can only lead to another warning.

You've continued to grief. Not leaving Dennis's place? why? why would you troll and be an annoying person. 

I personally think the permaban you were "accidentally" given was the right choice.


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