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New Londo and darkwraith

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New Londo and darkwraith Empty New Londo and darkwraith

Post  mieking Fri Mar 22, 2013 3:56 pm

hello everyone!
As some people may know, i made a town.
Zoskie and me are the owners, but we are looking for people, who can build nice, or want to learn it.

There are some requirements:

-You need R1

-Have at least 1k ingame money

-Be on the server for at least a week, without any bans

-always be in a nice mood Very Happy

In our town, you can also get the v.i.p access, which costs 1000 $ (in game of course)

with the vip rank you have perks, these perks will be added when the town is completely build.

to join just send a message here and ill check your account Smile

some screenshots from the town will follow.

then, i also have a nation: Darkwraith , just send a message and ill let you in Very Happy


your dear town owners,
mieking and zoskie.


Posts : 44
Reputation : -17
Join date : 2013-01-03
Age : 24
Location : The perthcraft server

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